1. How Jake got his name.
Jake wasn't always called Jake. When he was born his mother named him Ishmail.
Jake decided to change his name when he was eight years old.
When he was eight years old his father, who was a sailor, didn't come home so his mother set out to find him. She left Ishmail with his uncle and aunt and set out around the world.
As you would expect Ishmails uncle and aunt turned out to be very wicked people who made the boy work long hours in their fish and chip shop in Torquay. He was frequently battered!
One day when Ishmail was reading a book called Moby Dick; a very good book about a whale (except for the boring bits) his aunt said: 'Ishmail. Put that stupid book down and come and clean the fryer'.
'Stop calling me Ishmail'. He replied. These were the last words He ever spoke for many years.
He decided there and then to change his name to Jake and to become a pirate. As luck would have it that very night a pirate Ship called the Gimlet anchored off the coast very close to Torquay. Jake put some clothes and a letter in a pigs bladder to keep them dry and swam out to the ship, he climbed up the anchor rope and onto the deck where he greatly surprised the lookout, Blind Pugh.
When Pugh had got over his surprise he rang the brass bell to summon the captain and the rest of the pirates.
The captain, who was called Big Pat because he was big and his name was Pat, arrived on deck rubbing the sleep from his eyes and straightening his pyjamas which had pink skulls and crossbones on them ( a present from the crew on his last birthday). He was followed by a raggle-taggle collection of yawning seamen.
'What's this then?' He said when he caught sight of Jake. Jake said nothing but undid the pigs bladder and passed a letter to the captain. The letter said:
Dear Pirates, My name is Jake and I don't talk. I'd like to run away to sea and become a pirate so that I can search for my mum and my dad who seem to have got lost. I am a hard worker and know how to cook fish and chips.
'Well boy'. Said Big Pat. 'We would love to have you join us aboard the gimlet but the only problem is that you need to be able to say AYE AYE when I gives you an order, if you don't say aye aye how will I know that you heard me.'
Jake said nothing for a while, and then said nothing for a while more after that. Finally he took a deep breath and said 'AYE'.
From that moment on Jake became a member of the politically correct crew of the good ship Gimlet and Acquired the name 'One Eyed Jake'.
One eyed Jake aged 16 (life at sea was tough back then) Attempting to scare the owner of a basket shop in Cleethorpes. He failed and was made to pay full price for a set of panniers for his burro!
Jake wasn't always called Jake. When he was born his mother named him Ishmail.
Jake decided to change his name when he was eight years old.
When he was eight years old his father, who was a sailor, didn't come home so his mother set out to find him. She left Ishmail with his uncle and aunt and set out around the world.
As you would expect Ishmails uncle and aunt turned out to be very wicked people who made the boy work long hours in their fish and chip shop in Torquay. He was frequently battered!
One day when Ishmail was reading a book called Moby Dick; a very good book about a whale (except for the boring bits) his aunt said: 'Ishmail. Put that stupid book down and come and clean the fryer'.
'Stop calling me Ishmail'. He replied. These were the last words He ever spoke for many years.
He decided there and then to change his name to Jake and to become a pirate. As luck would have it that very night a pirate Ship called the Gimlet anchored off the coast very close to Torquay. Jake put some clothes and a letter in a pigs bladder to keep them dry and swam out to the ship, he climbed up the anchor rope and onto the deck where he greatly surprised the lookout, Blind Pugh.
When Pugh had got over his surprise he rang the brass bell to summon the captain and the rest of the pirates.
The captain, who was called Big Pat because he was big and his name was Pat, arrived on deck rubbing the sleep from his eyes and straightening his pyjamas which had pink skulls and crossbones on them ( a present from the crew on his last birthday). He was followed by a raggle-taggle collection of yawning seamen.
'What's this then?' He said when he caught sight of Jake. Jake said nothing but undid the pigs bladder and passed a letter to the captain. The letter said:
Dear Pirates, My name is Jake and I don't talk. I'd like to run away to sea and become a pirate so that I can search for my mum and my dad who seem to have got lost. I am a hard worker and know how to cook fish and chips.
'Well boy'. Said Big Pat. 'We would love to have you join us aboard the gimlet but the only problem is that you need to be able to say AYE AYE when I gives you an order, if you don't say aye aye how will I know that you heard me.'
Jake said nothing for a while, and then said nothing for a while more after that. Finally he took a deep breath and said 'AYE'.
From that moment on Jake became a member of the politically correct crew of the good ship Gimlet and Acquired the name 'One Eyed Jake'.

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